Apparently I have caused a ruckus among conservatives on twitter. At first I thought it was the simple application of logic to politics but it is actually a comment I made about black conservatives.   A few days ago, on twitter, I made a comment that black conservatives are really tokens; I called them token […]

I have a lot of people I would call my friend. People I have known for a long time and talk to, people I met in high school, people I know in college, and just random people that I meet at different places. Within this broad group of “friends” are also people I would call […]

Happy Monday! Check out today’s Beat Quote 🙂 “What do you want out of life?” I asked, and I used to ask that all the time of girls. I don’t know,” she said. “Just wait on tables and try to get along.” She yawned. I put my hand over her mouth and told her not […]

The Labia Pride Movement Before class this morning, I stumbled across this article from Salon. I have nothing against the feminist movement but…. “Labiaplasty is a common call-to-arms: The site “Courageous Cunts” features an image of scalpel hovering over a woman’s nether region with a “no” sign over it. The site’s description explains, “We got quite angry […]

Earlier today, I was reading the work of Jean-Paul Sartre, a famous philosopher and the father of modern existentialism. The particular novel I was reading is called “Nausea.” Writen relatively early in his career, Nausea sought to give a name to existential angst; it sought to give a name to the act of being and existing […]

Have you ever met a professor who changed your life? I have. His name is Dr. Ron Aronson and he is the Distinguished Professor of the History of Ideas at Wayne State University in Detroit. Before entering academia  (and even during), he was an active member of The New Left (“The Movement,” as he calls […]

“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.” […]

The following is a post for a few conservatives on twitter who like to think they know what Marxism is. Here we go. “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle.”             With the stroke of a pen, the first sentence of the Communist Manifesto […]

I came to Marxism rather late. As an upper level undergraduate political science student, I had dismissed Marxism during my freshmen year of college. My high school teachers were quick to judge and some of my college professors engaged in flat-out denunciation. Thus, my early experiences highlighted the abysmal track record of revolutionaries around the […]

Have you ever lost someone who was important to you? Ya know the feeling, one day you are chilling with your best friend and all things seem normal but just a few days later, you are wondering what happened to your friendship. Overnight, everything that you counted on as never changing changes and suddenly you […]